Navigating a diagnosis and treatment plan for cancer is both essential and daunting. While you are working with other healthcare providers, HYPNOTHERAPY can help you in significant ways: Learning tools to Reduce your STRESS, Focus on changes you want to implement for reclaiming your health, and ultimately, cultivating new resources internally, for a profound sense of connection to your mind, body and spirit as you heal, while also enhancing your coping strategies.
Discover peace, clarity, strength, and relief ongoing.
There are life transitions no one anticipates. Loss of a pregnancy, loss of a child, or loss of a partner are each sobering examples. While each experience is difficult to reconcile, it also has a significant depth of suffering associated with it. Hypnotherapy and Guided Imagery can allow you to lessen the magnitude of the grief with gentle guidance. If you are exploring this realm to experience a deeper sense of peace, it is possible. I've had clients reduce their suffering by letting go of guilt, anger, anxiety, fear and sadness. Find equanimity through solutions that encourage a reclamation of your wholeness.
Are you looking for a new way to successfully manage and optimize your weight? Unequivocally, there are many factors that contribute to establishing a healthy weight including; nutrition, dietary habits, eliminating food sensitivities, physical activity, optimizing metabolism & detoxification, body image, and addressing one’s emotional relationship with food. Are you seeking a healthier weight with related health outcomes? Are you longing to create methods of self-care and reduce or eliminate patterns that contribute to weight gain? We all know that there are multiple triggers to over-consumption of food associated with approval, pleasure and rewards. Emotional eating may be a diversion from access to something deeper. Hypnosis can help you to discover solutions which allow you to honor & create harmony and health, rather than distress. Hypnotherapy offers an option for significant habit change, including greater self-regulation associated with emotional eating tendencies. Find Balance,
Experience Freedom & Relief.
Smoking is a difficult habit to break and you shouldn’t have to do it alone. Connect to the BENEFITS OF FRESH AIR BREATHING. Give up the Poisons: Lead, Arsenic, Tar, Acetone and Formaldehyde…. there are 69 cancer causing chemical by products that come from burning a cigarette. Honor your Body. Hypnotherapy will allow you to reclaim your health by replacing cigarettes and their toxins with fresh air. Are you eager to do what it takes to live a SMOKE FREE LIFE?
Experiencing abdominal distress is distressing! A leading international expert in the treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) utilizing hypnosis has authorized my utilization of his protocol, Dr. Olafur Paalson. Did you know that neural (nerve) networks in the gut are interconnected with those in the heart and the brain (a true mind-body connection). If you are experiencing ongoing abdominal distress, suffering from IBS, to no avail… despite allopathic and natural medical evaluations and interventions, please contact me. Hypnotherapy, Guided Imagery and other mind body tools are powerful and effective for this mind body conundrum. Learn to rectify internal conflicts and create health, discovering what is possible and implementing it first in your mind and then in your body.
Create Internal Balance.
Is something getting in the way of your success or living due to fear? Fear is a survival signal and sounds in the presence of danger, yet, anticipatory fear is unwarranted and can interfere with true biological signals. Hypnotherapy and guided imagery can inform and guide you to let go of the fear while reconnecting you to an experience of true safety. Some effective ways to significantly impact your health are to overcome a phobia associated with needles, blood or surgery.
Take care of yourself & be FREE of your phobias.
Discover the Benefits of Hypnotherapy for Sustainable Weight Loss while also addressing Emotional Eating patterns.
Learn how to choose the right hypnotherapist for you, and discover key qualities to look for.
Finding and honing your Life Purpose
Navigating Peri-menopause & Menopause
Optimizing strategies during life transitions
When you are feeling confused about something; for finding CLARITY
Motivational recharge; sports, work, art, life
Enhancing … s l e e p … … habits
Navigating and coping with grief or loss
Eliminating emotional eating habits
Enhancing self-image, especially as it relates to changes from disease or trauma
Enhancing your capacity for sexual intimacy
Optimizing outcomes for medical or surgical procedures
Managing nausea and vomiting during pregnancy
Managing nausea and vomiting from chemotherapy
Irritable bowel disease
Overcoming nail biting, nail picking
Fears and phobias ; needles, blood, surgery, and many more
Reducing anxiety, reducing chronic worry , resolving panic attacks
Resolving internal conflicts, where you feel divided about something or someone
Pain management
Preoperative & postoperative relaxation
Enhancing optimal medical & surgical outcomes
Smoking cessation
Stress management : developing optimal coping strategies
Self-hypnosis: learning tools to self-quiet and self-regulate
Surgical Preparation: pre and post-operatively
Coping with a difficult diagnosis: Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Autoimmune disease
Weight management: including nutrition counseling & eliminating emotional triggers
Work with me to clarify your goals, discover newfound sources of health and vitality, and experience profound relief.